Monday, 5 March 2012


News this week that Jazz FM are to be investigated after receiving complaints just bring out the worst in both me and human kind for that matter. We all know it was a mistake, something that should not have happened and for us in the business, it was also quite funny. Jazz FM bosses apologised, moved on and that was it. No-one died, it was a simple mistake and if anyone was offended then they were no doubt contacted by the station with apologies. Sadly, some just go direct to OFCOM. 

I have started to believe that we are surrounded by people who get some weird satisfaction from complaining. They know what buttons to press to get people all worked up. Life is busy but not for these sort, they always have time to complain. I have always taken the view that very few (if any) go out of their way to offend anyone. I believe firmly that no-one has a right NOT to be offended.  If you don't like something just switch off, switch over or move over.  Surely life can't be so bad or so serious for people to get that upset about anything. 

I have never complained about anything that is free to air or free to me. You turn on and there it is, bursting out of the speakers.  It is emotional, creative, most of the time absolutely brilliant and great company.  

When I ran radio stations, I used to employ someone to deal with people who complained. I was banned from getting involved as I once told an idiot on the phone to just sober up and get a life. We then had to employ a brilliant person called Jeff who's best trick was simply to ring up the person who complained and speak to them - often for over an hour. My rule of thumb is simple:  If you have crossed the line, say sorry and move on. If you can defend it, say so and move on. If the complainer is an idiot, defend it to the bitter end and move them on to OFCOM. 

In my after dinner speeches, I tell the story of how people used to ring me as John Myers (when I was MD) to complain about me as John Morgan.  The fun I had with that I could fill a book with. 

When I controlled Jazz FM, the regulator called me to chat about the music we were playing. They wanted me to define Jazz music.  I said quite clearly - it was anything with a trumpet!  Now that is worth getting complaints over.

The reality is that we live in a world where complaints have to be dealt with seriously.  The truth is that most are a pain in the bum and nearly ALL are from people who really should no better.   Give a complainer what they are worth... and not a jot more. 

Saturday, 3 March 2012

I am sure I retired...

What a week! Monday started with the release of my report into BBC Local Radio and I can now get on with life. Over the following 24 hours I received over 60 emails from staff which was nice along with a number from colleagues, friends and just media observers. However, one email did make me smile a lot. It simply said... Dear John, you are a cu*t. I have no idea who sent that but for a moment I thought I had 40 suspects!!  Later in the day, I had chats with Radio WM before meeting up with a producer, to chat about a new programme idea that might be interesting. Before you ask it is NOTHING to do with any proposal for Radio England.  

Tuesday featured more BBC local interviews, a number of meetings across London and then I met up with Steve Hewlett for a recording of The Media Show on R4. Steve is absolutely the best media commentator in the UK right now. He knows his stuff, you have to be on your toes and he is extremely well connected. On top of that, his programme this week in particular was a brilliant listen especially with regard to Leveson and Murdoch. 

Wednesday we progressed the plans for The Radio Festival and The Sony Awards. Also on the day, I had one of those embarrassing moments to forget. A friend was in town so I met up with them for an early lunch. Then just as I arrived back in the office, my phone went from another friend asking where I was?  It seems I agreed to have lunch with him so I had to hot-foot it for another bite to eat.  Two lunches in one day! 

On Thursday I was in Salford for a face to face meeting at the BBC Local Radio Managing Editors conference.  I was first up and to be fair to everyone there, it was a good debate and I enjoyed it a lot. Later on, I was up to see my mum in law who was celebrating her 90th birthday. Soon I was over to Stranraer for the ferry to Belfast.  An open top tour bus of Belfast with typical Irish humour in full flow. The best line was... The Titanic. It was alright when it left here! There was time for some fun on the golf course at Lough Erne - just as the sun was going down and I can recommend this place. Wonderful hotel and golf to just stand back and thank god you are alive. Right now, I am at the equally impressive Galgorm resort for more golf, spa stuff and earlier today I had a trip to The Giants Causeway via the coast road that is a must to do, especially when the sun is shining. Giants Causeway was good but busy, windy, cold and I to be honest, I have now been there and done it! 

This coming Monday, we have a Radio Academy event at U105 in Belfast. A Q and A and a chance to meet radio folk this side of the water.   For those who can, please come along to say hello. 

Right now I am listening to entries for the Bauer Radio Awards. Linda is in The Spa... doing whatever they do in those things..